The South China Roots of Minangkabau Culture: An Anthropological and Historical Study


  • Fikri Surya Pratama Universitas Islam Negeri Imam Bonjol Padang, Indonesia Author
  • Nurul Izzati Husni Universitas Islam Negeri Imam Bonjol Padang, Indonesia Author


South China, Minangkabau Culture, Anthropology and History, Tambo


Based on the information obtained in Tambo as a historical source for the Minangkabau tribe, it can be seen that Tambo presents a narrative of the relationship between the Minangkabau and Chinese tribes on various issues. The Minangkabau tribe has cultural products with Chinese names, such as the guntiang cino clothes worn by princes and the aka cino motif found in traditional Minangkabau houses, namely the rumah gadang. This article used historical research to explore the relationship between Minangkabau and Chinese ethnicities. Source collection was carried out using library research techniques. Data analysis used a historical-anthropological approach. Based on research findings, it is worth noting that two waves of Proto-Malay and Deutero-Malay human races arrived in Sumatra from the South China region. Data analysis in Tambo, cultural aspects, and literary sources concluded that the Minangkabau tribe has a history and culture similar to the Zhuang tribe in Guangxi Province, southern mainland China. This is based on the similarities in the cultural products of the two ethnic groups, such as traditional Minangkabau women's clothing in the form of tingkuluak and suntiang items. Both ethnic groups also uphold the buffalo as one of their traditional animals. Matrilineal descent is a unique connecting factor in the Minangkabau tribe. In contrast, the Zhuang ethnic group has abandoned this system due to socio-political developments, the dominance of the Han ethnic group, and patriarchal culture.


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How to Cite

Pratama, F. S., & Husni, N. I. (2024). The South China Roots of Minangkabau Culture: An Anthropological and Historical Study. Multicultural Landscape, 1(1), 21-40.