Intersecting Faith and Tradition: Ulama's Perspectives on Bugis Posi Bola Practices


  • Muhammad Fauzi Universitas Islam Negeri Antasari Banjarmasin, Indonesia Author
  • Ahmad Ahmad Universitas Islam Negeri Antasari Banjarmasin, Indonesia Author
  • Riza Saputra Universitas Islam Negeri Antasari Banjarmasin, Indonesia Author


Faith and tradition, Bugis Posi Bola, Ulama's perspectives


Posi Bola is a sacred part of the house for the Bugis Pagatan community and is believed to be a site for rituals. This study aims to understand the implementation of the Posi Bola tradition in the beliefs of the Bugis Pagatan community in Tanah Bumbu Regency, as well as the perspectives of ulama and the community from an Islamic viewpoint. The research employs a qualitative method with a field approach. The subjects include Bugis traditional leaders, ulama, and residents of Baru Gelang, Kampung Baru, and Pejala villages. Data collection techniques consist of observation, interviews, and documentation, while data analysis involves data collection, reduction, editing, display, verification, and conclusion drawing. The findings indicate that (1) The Posi Bola tradition is divided into three stages: pre-implementation, implementation, and post-implementation. The pre-implementation stage involves determining the right time, preparing the ritual site, and gathering necessary materials. The implementation stage includes gathering family and neighbors, conducting the ritual with recitations, and sprinkling blessed water. In the post-implementation stage, the prepared food is shared among the participants. (2) The perspectives of ulama on the Posi Bola tradition vary depending on their religious interpretations and the intention behind the ritual. For the Bugis Pagatan community, Posi Bola is an essential tradition that must be preserved, while some ulama see it as a local cultural practice that does not conflict with religious principles, provided it adheres to religious guidelines. However, some scholars recommend re-evaluating ritual aspects that are considered inconsistent with certain religious teachings.


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How to Cite

Fauzi, M., Ahmad, A., & Saputra, R. (2024). Intersecting Faith and Tradition: Ulama’s Perspectives on Bugis Posi Bola Practices. Multicultural Landscape, 1(1), 67-78.